Teach you how to pledge mining in Blin Metaverse LP

(Apple mobile version TokenPocket wallet as an example)

The overseas blockbuster metaverse project Blin Metaverse is a decentralized comprehensive NFT infrastructure based on the Binance smart chain BSC. It aims to achieve diversified virtual reality interactions through IP reshaping, virtual social networking, NFT asset casting on the chain, confirmation of rights, and value circulation.

Currently, you can find the entry of Blin Metaverse in the new product section of various decentralized wallets that support BSC/ETH, such as MetaMask, TokenPocket, Trust Wallet, Bitkeep, Math wallet, etc. or enter https://dapp.blin.pro in the address bar of the discovery page Participate in Blin Metavese LP pledge mining.

Here we take TokenPocket wallet (BNB-USDT) as an example for demonstration.

1. Since the LP mining pool supports BLIN-USDT, BLIN-BNB, BNB-USDT and BAKE-USDT, BLIN, USDT, BNB, and BAKE are required in the wallet.

2. Obtain the contract address for backup.

3. Add liquidity in PancakeSwap, click Connect Wallet →TokenPocket in the upper right corner.

4. After connecting to the wallet, click Liquidity → Add Liquidity → Select a currency

5. Confirm the amount of BLIN and USDT that need to be provided, enter the amount of BLIN that provides mobile mining, and the amount of USDT required at the same time will be automatically calculated. Click Enable BLIN and Enable USDT respectively to authorize → click Supply.

6. A pop-up interface confirms the payment of the Gas fee, and enter the wallet password in the pop-up box to confirm.

7. After confirming and paying the miner's fee, the following prompt appears, indicating that the liquidity has been successfully provided, and the confirmation on the chain is in progress.

8. After the LP is successfully submitted, return to the main interface, click Discover → search bar and enter → https://dapp.blin.pro to start liquidity mining.

9. After entering the Blin Metaverse Dapp, confirm whether your wallet is connected. If connected, click on the upper left corner → Mining Spaceship → Farms.

10. Select BLIN-USDT LP, click Staking to pledge → click Staking all → Confirm,

After confirmation, liquidity mining is completed.

Last updated